Ouch, my tooth. Isn’t it crazy that something as small as a tooth can hurt so bad? What
if you couldn’t tell anyone it was hurting? Our pets require regular dental care. Just like
humans, pets can suffer from dental diseases that can lead to serious health problems
if left untreated. In fact, by the age of three, over 80% of dogs and 70% of cats show
signs of dental disease. Owners must have a plan for their pet’s dental care.

The Impact of Poor Dental Health on Pets

You may think that if your pet’s breath smells good, their dental needs have been met.
But dental care is about more than just what is occurring inside your pet’s mouth. Dental
care impacts a pet’s overall health. Poor dental care can lead to difficulty eating, weight
loss, and even infections that spread to other parts of the body. Regular dental care
helps prevent these problems so that your pet remains healthy and happy.

Key Steps to Maintain Your Pet’s Dental Health

Maintaining your pet’s dental health can be simple. Let’s look at four steps to ensure
their needs are met.

● Brush Their Teeth Regularly. Just like humans, pets benefit from regular tooth
brushing. Use a toothbrush and toothpaste specifically designed for pets to avoid

● Provide Dental Chews. Dental chews can help reduce plaque and tartar buildup
while also providing your pet with something fun to do.

● Schedule Regular Vet Check-Ups. Regular dental check-ups with your vet are
important. A veterinarian can spot early signs of dental disease and provide
professional cleanings to keep your pet’s mouth healthy.

● Watch for Signs of Dental Issues. Be on the lookout for symptoms like bad
breath, red or swollen gums, and difficulty eating. These could be signs of dental
problems that need attention.

Common Myths About Pet Dental Care
There are many myths and misconceptions about pet dental care. Let’s take a moment
to address at three of the most common.

● Myth 1: Pets Don’t Need Dental Care. Many pet owners believe that dental care
isn’t necessary for pets. In reality, pets can suffer from the same dental issues as
humans, including cavities, gum disease, and tooth loss.

● Myth 2: Bad Breath Is Normal in Pets. Don’t ignore bad breath! It is often a sign
of dental disease. Regular brushing and dental check-ups can help prevent this

● Myth 3: Pets Don’t Show Pain from Dental Issues. Pets are often very good at
hiding pain, which can make it difficult to detect dental problems. This makes
regular check-ups even more important.

How Regular Dental Care Benefits Your Pet

Prioritizing your pet’s dental care is an important part of pet ownership. Scheduling
regular checkups helps your pet avoid painful dental problems and lowers the risk of
infection. This care ensures that their teeth remain healthy as they age. This will help
them have strong teeth to get the nutrition they need.

Taking the First Step Towards Better Pet Dental Health

Start by establishing set times to brush your pet’s teeth. Provide you pet with dental
chews, and see a vet for regular dental checkups. By taking these steps, you can help
prevent dental disease and keep your pet healthy and happy.

At PetWow, we’re here to support you with professional dental check-ups and a full
range of dental care products designed to meet your pet’s needs. Don’t wait until there’s
a problem—start taking care of your pet’s dental health today.