At PetWow, we are committed to providing the very best veterinary care possible for your pets. This includes preventative care measures such as heartworm prevention, which is essential for keeping your pet healthy and happy. Preventative care can help detect and treat potential health issues early on, before they become more serious problems, and can help your pet live a longer, happier life. In this article, we will discuss what every pet owner needs to know about heartworm, including its causes, symptoms, prevention options, and treatment.

What are Heartworms?

Heartworms are a serious and potentially fatal disease that is caused by parasitic worms called Dirofilaria immitis. These worms are transmitted through the bite of an infected mosquito. Heartworms can infect dogs, cats, and other mammals, and they can live for up to seven years in the host’s heart and lungs. While heartworm may seem like an unlikely threat to your pet, it is more common than you might think. In fact, according to WebMD, about 1 in 100 dogs in the U.S. are affected by heartworm every year.

Symptoms of Heartworm Infection

In the early stages of heartworm infection, pets may not show any symptoms. As the infection progresses, pets may experience coughing, difficulty breathing, fatigue, and decreased appetite. As the disease worsens, pets may develop heart failure and other serious complications.

Prevention of Heartworms

Prevention of heartworm is the best approach to ensure your pet does not become infected. There are several heartworm prevention options available, including oral medication, topical medication, and injections. It is essential to speak to your veterinarian to determine which prevention option is best for your pet. In addition to medication, there are several other best practices for heartworm prevention, such as reducing mosquito exposure by keeping pets indoors during peak mosquito hours and regularly removing standing water sources.

Diagnosis and Treatment of Heartworms

Early diagnosis is critical to ensuring the successful treatment of heartworm. Your veterinarian can perform a heartworm test to determine if your pet is infected. If your pet is diagnosed with heartworm, there are several treatment options available, including medication and surgery. Treatment is typically successful if caught early enough, but it can be more challenging and expensive if the infection is advanced.

PetWow’s Services

At PetWow, we offer a range of services to help ensure your pet stays healthy and happy. Our pet grooming services include bathing, trimming, and styling, and are designed to keep your pet looking and feeling their best. Regular grooming can also help prevent skin infections, ear infections, and other health problems. We offer a pre-booking discount on our grooming services to help make regular grooming more accessible for pet owners.

We also offer comprehensive veterinary care services, including exams, vaccines, dental cleaning, and routine health checks. Our experienced veterinarians and veterinary nursing support staff are dedicated to ensuring your pet receives the very best care possible. We operate on an appointment basis to reduce wait times and provide prompt and professional service to every pet that comes through our doors.

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