PetWow Surgical Center
Located across from Northern Kentucky University, just 7 minutes from downtown Cincinnati, the PetWow Surgical Center specializes in advanced surgical and intensive care. While many other veterinary practices often refer complex surgical cases to expensive specialists, PetWow team surgeons have decades of experience performing a wide array of complex soft tissue and orthopedic surgical procedures. This means that our team can address nearly any surgical need that may arise for your pet on-site.
Surgical Center Facilities & Equipment
The PetWow Surgical Center is a state-of-the-art surgical facility. The surgery and anesthesiology ward is equipped with the latest pharmaceuticals, technology, pulse and carbon dioxide monitoring devices, and surgical instrumentation. Further, the facility features digital radiography, as well as a centralized treatment area equipped with full-service dentistry equipment, ultrasonography and much more. In short, if your pet requires surgical or intensive care, PetWow’s centrally located Surgical Center offers the veterinary expertise, facilities, and equipment to ensure the very best outcomes for all your pet’s surgical and intensive care needs!
Contact Us
(513) 738-9691
[email protected]
2717 Alexandria Way
Highland Heights, KY 41076
Hours of Operation
Monday – Tuesday:
7:00 AM to 8:00 PM
Wednesday – Friday:
7:00 AM to 6:30 PM
7:00 AM am to 4:00 PM
Soft Tissue Surgery – Canine & Feline
- Abdominal Exploratory Surgery
- Anal Gland Removal
- Achilles Repair
- Arthrodesis (Fusion) Joint
- Aural Hematoma Canine
- Aural Hematoma Feline
- Bowel Resection Anastamosis
- Cesarean Section
- Cherry Eye Repair
- Clean / Flush Or Suture Abscess
- Conjunctival Flap
- Cruciate Ligament Implant
- Cystocentesis
- Cystotomy (Bladder Stone Removal)
- Diaphragmatic Hernia Repair
- Digit Amputation
- Ectropion Repair
- Enterotomy
- Entropion Repair
- Enucleation
- Exploratory Laparotomy
- Femoral Head Ostectomy
- Foreign Body Removal
- Fracture Alignment and Repair
- Fracture – Plate Fixation
- Gastric Volvulus Repair and Gastropexy
- Gastropexy – Preventative Stomach Tacking
- Gastrotomy
- Grid Keratectomy
- Hydropulsion & Catherterization
- Imbricate Joint Capsule
- Inguinal Hernia Repair
- Intussusception Repair
- Kidney Stone Removal
- Laceration Clean And Repair
- Lateral Ear Canal Resection
- Limb Amputation
- Lip Fold Pyoderma Resection
- Liver Lobectomy / Tumor Remove
- Orthopedic Surgery – Canine & Feline
- Mastectomy
- Nephrotomy (Kidney Surgery)
- Neuter(Orchiectomy) – Canine / Feline / Rabbit
- Patellar Trochleoplasty
- Perianal Surgery
- Perineal Hernia Repair
- Perineal Urethrostomy
- Phimosis Prepucial Repair
- Prescrotal Urethrostomy
- Pyometra
- Rectal Poly Removal
- Repair Incision Breakdown
- Replace & Suture Proctosis
- Reproductive Tract Surgery
- Resuture
- Remove Orthopedic Pin
- Scrotal Ablation
- Set Fracture Or Joint
- Set Limb And Apply Sling
- Splint Limb Thomas Or Meta
- Skin Fold (Nasal)
- Skin Or Tissue Graft
- Splenectomy
- Spay (Ovariohysterectomy) – Canine / Feline / Rabbit
- Stenotic Nares Repair
- Third Eyelid Flap
- Thoracic Surgery
- Thoracotomy
- Thyroidectomy
- Tibial Crest Avulsion- Tension Band
- Tissue Biopsy For Histopath
- Tonsilectomy
- Total Ear Canal Ablasion
- Tracheotomy
- Traumatic Hernia
- Tumor Removal Tech-Assisted
- Umbilical Hernia Repair
- Urinary Stone Removal
- Vulvar Fold Reconstruction
Orthopedic Surgery – Canine & Feline
- Arthrodesis (Fusion) Joint
- Cruciate Ligament Implant
- Digit Amputation
- Femoral Head Ostectomy
- Fracture Alignment and Repair
- Fracture-Plate Fixation
- Imbricate Joint Capsule
- Limb Amputation
- Patellar Trochleoplasty
- Remove Orthopedic Pin
- Set Fracture or Joint
- Set Limb and Apply Sling
- Splint Limb Thomas or Meta
- Tibial Crest Avulsion- Tension Band