
Things Your Pet Could Be Allergic To

Now that the COVID-19 restrictions are easing up, we’re all starting to return to our normal activities, including our pets. With the warmer weather, this includes spending a lot more time outside. Along with the warmer temperatures — and cicadas — this season also means increased allergies for our pets. Let’s look at a few

Things Your Pet Could Be Allergic To2021-05-18T20:08:33+00:00

5 Ways to Exercise Your Dog this Winter

When you’re snowed in, it’s easy to forget about taking your dog for walks or playing outside. But maintaining an active lifestyle even during the cold winter months is essential for keeping our canine companions happy and healthy. While snow and ice may not make ideal conditions for outdoor activities, there’s plenty of ways

5 Ways to Exercise Your Dog this Winter2020-12-28T14:45:54+00:00

How To Spot and Get Rid of Fleas

Dogs can turn themselves into the funniest positions when trying to scratch that itch. And while it’s cute on occasion, when your pup starts scratching too often, it means there could be a problem with fleas that needs your immediate attention. What are fleas exactly? More than 2,500 different species of fleas exist, yet

How To Spot and Get Rid of Fleas2020-11-13T19:26:10+00:00

Understanding the Dangers of Canine Parvovirus

Canine Parvovirus, more commonly known as Parvo, is a highly contagious disease with incredibly high mortality rates within days if left untreated. Puppies, as well as unvaccinated or incompletely vaccinated dogs, are most at risk. Although it’s not entirely understood why, German Shepherds, Rottweilers, American Staffordshire Terriers, Doberman Pinschers and English Springer Spaniels are at

Understanding the Dangers of Canine Parvovirus2020-08-17T16:13:26+00:00

Why Is Microchipping A Must?

Pet parents know accidents happen. Whether it’s Fido or Fluffy knocking over a cup or us tripping over their chew toys, we’re used to these irritating events. But some accidents can be a lot more serious, like a fast-moving pet escaping through an opened door, from the backyard or during a walk. Luckily, science has

Why Is Microchipping A Must?2020-07-16T04:48:34+00:00

7 Tips for Traveling with Your Pet

Traveling alone isn’t any fun and if you’re looking for a travel buddy, pets can make great companions. But before you start planning your trip with your four-legged friend (now that we can move about more!), it’s important to know what you need to do and what to bring to keep your pet safe and

7 Tips for Traveling with Your Pet2020-05-26T14:31:58+00:00

5 Symptoms of Asthma In Pets

5 Symptoms of Asthma In Pets Asthma is a prevalent and occasionally disabling condition that impacts millions of people around the world. While it’s associated with humans, it’s also a frequent issue for many of our pets. Asthma is often a frightening condition and, if left unaddressed, can endanger the life of your pet. It

5 Symptoms of Asthma In Pets2020-05-11T13:13:14+00:00
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